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Public Forum Q&A with Taro Kono


Public Forum Q&A with Taro Kono

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Join us in person for an interactive public forum with Taro Kono, Former Minister of Defense and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan.

About this event

The geostrategic environment of the Indo-Pacific is shifting at almost daily intervals. As great power rivalries and territorial disputes have intensified, many regional governments are recalibrating their diplomatic resources and strategic outlooks for the region. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted economic crises and tested the region’s public health response and solidarity. To respond to these challenges, Japan is strengthening its security posture and its diplomatic engagement, including through greater cooperation with Australia, the Quad, and other strategic partners.

Taro Kono will join us virtually to share his insights into Japan’s diplomatic and strategic outlook in response to contemporary regional challenges. The event will include an interactive question and answer session, featuring discussion questions posed by the Perth USAsia Centre community, as well as live questions from the audience.

Taro Kono will also be joined by a second keynote speaker, to be confirmed shortly.

Audience Q&A

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask a question during the discussion.


Following the discussion, we invite you to join us for networking drinks and canapes.

This event will be delivered by the Perth USAsia Centre in collaboration with Perth Asian Professionals and the UWA Arts Union.